Terms of use

Terms of use

Version 1 - 26.08.24

Welcome to the website https://www.weareimpactplus.com

The website https://www.weareimpactplus.com (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"), published by the company IMPACT PLUS, is intended to present the services offered by IMPACT PLUS to its visitors, prospects, and clients. The services provided by IMPACT PLUS are aimed at professionals, particularly those involved in the digital advertising ecosystem.

As a user of the Site, whether You are a prospect, client, or a visitor (hereinafter referred to as "the User"), you must comply with these Terms Of Use (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms Of Use" or "TOS").

By using the Site, the User unreservedly accepts these TOS, declaring and acknowledging that they have read all its terms. If you disagree with any clauses in this document, we encourage you not to use the Site.

1. Purpose

These TOS are intended to define the conditions under which the company IMPACT PLUS makes the Site available to any User. The Site is primarily designed to inform the public about the activities and services provided by IMPACT PLUS.

2. Usage Requirements

Access to the Site is only available to Users with a compatible computer configuration, adhering to the following prerequisites:

  • A high-speed internet connection obtained through a widely recognized internet service provider.
  • Equipment and hardware that allow them to access and navigate the Site.

The User acknowledges having the necessary skills and means to access and use the Site.

Access to the Site is free and open to any User with internet access. All costs associated with access, whether hardware, software, or internet connection fees, are the sole responsibility of the User. The User is solely responsible for the proper functioning of their computer equipment, its security, and their internet access.

3. Contact Form

The User can contact IMPACT PLUS through the contact form. The User selects the topic corresponding to their needs from the provided dropdown menu and can provide additional details in a free-text description field. The User agrees to carefully use this free-text entry, refraining from transmitting sensitive information or any content that is disparaging, defamatory, insulting, disrespectful, or in general, harmful to IMPACT PLUS or third parties.

4. Liability

IMPACT PLUS commits to making its best efforts to ensure that Users always have access to the Site and that it functions properly. However, IMPACT PLUS cannot be held liable in case of the Site's unavailability for any reason. Additionally, IMPACT PLUS reserves the right to modify, alter, or suspend the Site without prior notice, whether for maintenance reasons or any other reason deemed necessary.

The information provided by IMPACT PLUS on its Site is for informational purposes only. IMPACT PLUS cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information disseminated on its Site.

IMPACT PLUS secures the Site by taking all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of transmitted information. However, IMPACT PLUS cannot be held responsible for a cyberattack or malicious intrusion into its Site or servers.

The User is responsible for their use and navigation of the Site, as well as the quality and accuracy of the information they provide, particularly through the contact form. The User agrees to use the Site at their own risk and to do so in compliance with French law, in good faith, and in a manner respectful of the rights and interests of IMPACT PLUS.

5. Intellectual Property

The Site as a whole, as well as each of its individual elements, including but not limited to content such as data, text, static or animated images, trademarks, logos, sounds, graphics, files, graphic charters, programs, and specific developments, databases, are the exclusive property of IMPACT PLUS or third parties who have granted a license to it. Any total or partial representation of the Site or any of its components without the express permission of IMPACT PLUS is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable under Articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The databases featured on the Site are also protected by Articles L.341-1 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any substantial extraction or reuse of the content of these databases, whether qualitative or quantitative, is prohibited. IMPACT PLUS also prohibits any non-substantial extraction or reuse of the content of its databases.

The trademarks displayed on the Site may be registered trademarks of IMPACT PLUS or third parties. Any reproduction, imitation, or use, in whole or in part, of these trademarks without express permission and in violation of the prohibitions provided for in Articles L.713-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code, exposes the author to liability.

Other distinctive signs, including but not limited to corporate names, trade names, brand names, domain names reproduced on the Site, are the property of IMPACT PLUS or third parties, and any reproduction without express authorization may constitute an infringement, engaging the responsibility of its author based on Article 1240 of the French Civil Code.

The User has a non-exclusive, temporary right to access and view the Site and agrees to respect the rights of IMPACT PLUS and, where applicable, the rights of third parties.

6. User Commitments

By accessing the Site, You agree to (i) not use the Site for illegal purposes; (ii) not use the Site in a way that could interrupt, damage, harm the Site, or render the Site less effective; (iii) not transfer files containing viruses, Trojan horses, or any other harmful computer programs; (iv) not attempt to bypass the Site's security measures; and/or (v) not use the Site in a way that would damage the reputation, name, or image of IMPACT PLUS.

Therefore, the User is prohibited from:

  • Any temporary or permanent reproduction, or extraction of all or part of the Site and any of its components.
  • Any web scraping or screen scraping technique, use of site crawlers, or robots on the Site.
  • Any access or attempt to access the Site's source codes, or any reverse engineering, particularly with the intent of creating a similar site, including by artificial intelligence systems.
  • Any introduction or attempted introduction onto the servers, or any breach of IMPACT PLUS's automated data processing system.

7. Protection of Personal Data and Cookies

The methods for processing and protecting the personal data of Users are detailed in the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, accessible online. We encourage you to review these documents and contact us with any questions.

8. Links

Some links on the Site may direct the User away from the IMPACT PLUS Site. These links are provided solely for the User's convenience and do not imply any endorsement or approval of the target sites by IMPACT PLUS. The target sites are not under the control of IMPACT PLUS, and IMPACT PLUS is not responsible for their content.

Users of the Site may not establish deep links to this Site without prior written permission from IMPACT PLUS.

9. Modification

The terms of these Terms Of Use may be amended at any time, depending on changes to the Site, legislative developments, or for any other reason deemed necessary. Users are therefore encouraged to review them regularly.

10. In Case of Dissatisfaction or Dispute, Whom Should I Contact?

In case of dissatisfaction, dispute, or difficulties in interpreting or executing these Terms Of Use, the User is encouraged to contact IMPACT PLUS via the contact form.

IMPACT PLUS will strive to respond as quickly as possible and find an amicable solution to the dissatisfaction or dispute.

If the dispute persists, the User may bring the matter before the competent French courts.

These Terms Of Use are governed by French law.